
Traditional Spanish Gazpacho Recipe

Gazpacho Recipe

In the sun-drenched fields of Andalusia, a culinary tradition was born that would capture the essence of Spanish summers in a bowl. Gazpacho, the iconic cold soup that has become synonymous with Spanish cuisine, is more than just a dish—it’s a refreshing culinary experience that tells the story of its …

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Burnt Basque Cheesecake Recipe

GK recipe basque cheesecake 02

Tarta de Queso Vasca de la Viña This Basque cheesecake recipe comes from La Viña restaurant in San Sebastian where it was first created in 1990. It is so delicious that once you have tasted it you may never want to eat any other type of cheesecake ever again. It …

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Lentil and Chorizo Stew Recipe

Spanish Lentils With Chorizo Stew Recipe - Lentejas con Chorizo

Lentejas con Chorizo Lentils, like many pulses, are a staple of Spanish families and this dish is probably the most common way of eating them. It can be prepared as a stew, or if you add more water and stock, it can be more of a soup. Although this can …

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Pisto Manchego Recipe

Pisto Manchego Recipe

Pisto Manchego is the Spanish equivalent of ratatouille. It is basically a dish of stewed vegetables, based on peppers and tomatoes and often including garlic, onions and courgette. The quantities of each ingredient can be altered to suit your taste and you could add other vegetables but as previously mentioned …

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Stuffed Aubergines Recipe

Berenjenas Rellenas Recipe - Stuffed Aubergines

Berenjenas Rellenas Stuffed aubergines, or eggplants, is not a dish that you would often see on a menu in a restaurant in Spain but it is a favourite of many Spanish families. I like to use pork mince but you could just as easily use beef or alternatively make this …

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Garlic Prawns Recipe

Garlic Prawns Recipe - Gambas al Ajillo

Gambas al Pil Pil Garlic prawns served in tapas bars and restaurants all over Spain are usually called Gambas al Ajillo. Visitors to Madrid should make a point of ordering this classic dish in Casa del Abuelo (Calle Victoria, 12). This famous tapas bar remains largely unchanged since it began …

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Spaghetti with Garlic Prawns and Mushrooms Recipe

Spagetti with Garlic Prawns and Mushrooms Recipe

Espaguetis con Gambas al Ajillo y Champiñones Whilst garlic prawns and garlic mushrooms would typically be served as tapas-style dishes, it’s so easy to combine them, add some white wine and serve them with spaghetti. This is a very simple dish in which the pasta absorbs the flavour of the …

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Seafood Casserole Recipe

Seafood Casserole Recipe

Zarzuela de Pescado y Mariscos Located on the north-east coast of Spain, Catalonia is recognised for the diversity of its cuisine. Thanks to the region’s privileged location between the mountains and the sea it has ready access to livestock and vegetables from the interior and fresh seafood from the Mediterranean. …

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Monkfish in Mushroom Sauce Recipe

GK recipe rape en salsa de setas

Rape con Salsa de Setas This recipe uses ‘setas’ which are quite like a wild mushroom and readily available in Spain. However, you can use any type of mushroom. Monkfish has to be one of the ugliest fish you will ever see but its flavour more than makes up for …

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