A La Parilla/Plancha | Grilled |
A La Romana | Fried In Batter |
Aceite | Oil |
Aceitunas | Olives |
Agua | Water |
Aguacate | Avocado |
Ahumado | Smoked |
Ajo | Garlic |
Al Ajillo | In Garlic |
Al Horno | Baked |
Albondigas | Meatballs |
Alcachofas | Artichokes |
Alioli | With Mayonnaise |
Almejas | Clams |
Almendra | Almond |
Almuerzo | Lunch |
Anchoas | Anchovies |
Anguila | Eel |
Arroz | Rice |
Arroz Con Leche | Rice Pudding |
Asado | Roast |
Atun | Tuna |
Atún/Bonito | Tuna |
Azucar | Sugar |
Bacalao | cod |
Berberechos | Cockles |
Berenjena | Aubergine Or Eggplant |
Besugo, Dorada, Pargo | Sea Bream |
Bocadillo | A Sandwich, Usually On A Crusty White Breadroll |
Bogavante | Lobster |
Bollo | Bread Roll |
Bonito | Tuna |
Boquerones | Fresh Anchovies |
Botella | Bottle |
Caballa | Mackerel |
Cabrito | Kid Goat |
Cafe Americano | As Espresso But With Much More Water So Bigger And Weaker |
Cafe Con Hielo | Coffee With Ice. |
Cafe Con Leche | Coffee With Plenty Of Milk, Hot Or Cold |
Cafe Cortado | Espresso With A Drop Of Milk |
Cafe Solo | Black Espresso |
Calabacin | Courgette |
Calabaza | Pumpkin |
Calamar | Squid |
Calamares | Squid |
Caldo | Broth |
Callos | Tripe (Usually Dressed With Sauces And Spices) |
Camarón | Prawn |
Canalones | Canneloni Pasta |
Cangrejo | Crab |
Caracoles | Snail |
Carne | Meat |
Carne De Buey | Beef |
Carne De Ternera | Veal |
Carne De Vaca | Beef |
Carne En Salsa | Meat In Tomato Sauce |
Carta | Menu |
Cebolla | Onion |
Cena | Dinner – Evening Meal |
Cerdo | Pork |
Cerezas | Cherries |
Cerveza | Beer |
Cigala | Dublin Bay Prawn Or Crayfish |
Cigalas | King Prawns |
Ciruelas | Plums |
Cocido | Wholesome Madrileño Stew |
Cochinillo | Suckling Pig |
Col | Cabbage |
Coliflor | Cauliflower |
Comedor | Dining Room |
Concha | Clam |
Conejo | Rabbit |
Congrio | Conger Eel |
Cordero | Lamb |
Criadillas | Testicles, Beef Or Lamb, Usually Breaded Or Floured And Fried In Oil |
Croqueta | A Deep Fried Ball Of Bechamel (White Sauce) |
Cuchara | Spoon |
Cuchillo | Knife |
Champiñones | Mushrooms Fried In Garlic |
Champiñones/Setas | Mushrooms |
Chirimoyas | Custard Apples |
Chorizo | Strongly Flavoured, Spicy Spanish Pork Sausage |
Chuletas | Chops |
Churros | Deep Fried Tubes Of Dough Covered In Sugar |
Desayuno | Breakfast |
Embutido | Sausage |
Empanadilla | Fish/Meat Pie |
En Salsa | In Sauce |
Ensalada | Salad |
Ensalada Mixta | Mixed Salad (With Tuna) |
Ensaladilla | Russian Salad |
Esparragos | Asparagus |
Espinacas | Spinach |
Fabada | Asturian Hotpot |
Flan | Creme Caramel |
Fresas | Strawberries |
Frito | Fried |
Gazpacho | Cold Tomato And Cucumber Soup |
Granada | Pomegranate |
Guisado | Casserole |
Guisantes | Peas |
La Cuenta | the bill |
Langosta | Rock Lobster |
Langosta | Lobster |
Langostinas | King Prawns |
Leche | Milk |
Lechuga | Lettuce |
Lengua | Tongue – Beef, Veal, Pork, Lamb Are Used |
Lenguado | Sole |
Lentejas | Lentils |
Limón | Lemon |
Lomo | Pork Loin |
Lubina | Sea Bass |
Mantequilla | Butter |
Manzana | Apple |
Mejillónes | Mussels |
Melocotón | Peach |
Melón | Melon |
Menestra De Verduras | Mixed Vegetables |
Menu Del Dia | Fixed-Price Set Meal |
Merluza | Hake |
Mero | Grouper/Sea Bass |
Mesa | Table |
Miel | Honey |
Morcilla | Blood Pudding |
Nabos | Turnips |
Naranja | Orange |
Nata | Cream |
Natilla | Custard |
Navajas | Razor Clams |
Nuez (Nueces) | Nut (Nuts) |
Oca | Goose |
Ostras | Oysters |
Paella | Rice With Chicken And Seafood |
Paloma | Pigeon Or Dove |
Pan | Bread |
Panceta | Fatty Pork Or Streaky Bacon |
Patata | Potato |
Patatas (Fritas) | Potatoes (Fries) |
Patatas Alioli | Potatoes In Garlic Mayonnaise |
Patatas Bravas | Deep Fried Potatoes In Spicy Sauce |
Pato | Duck |
Pavo | Turkey |
Pepino | Cucumber |
Pera | Pear |
Pescadilla | Whiting |
Pescaditos | Whitebait |
Pescado | Fish |
Pimienta | Pepper (As In Peppercorns) |
Pimientas Rellenas | Stuffed Peppers |
Pimientos | Peppers |
Pincho Moruno | Kebab |
Piña | Pineapple |
Pisto Manchego | Ratatouille (Sweet Pepper And Aubergine Stew) |
Plátano | Banana |
Platos Combinados | Mixed Plate (eg, chips, eggs, sausage and black pudding) |
Pollo | Chicken |
Pomelo | Grapefruit |
Porras | Like Churros, But Thicker, And More Doughy |
Puerros | Leeks |
Pulpo | Octopus |
Sal | Salt |
Salchicha | Sausage |
Salmonete | Red Mullet |
Salsa | Sauce |
Sandwich | Normal Sliced Bread Sandwich (Toasted) |
Sepia | Cuttlefish |
Sesos | Brains |
Sopa | Soup |
Sopa De Cocido | Meat Soup (very watery) |
Sopa De Mariscos | Seafood Soup |
Sopa De Pescado | Fish Soup |
Taberna | Tavern |
Tenedor | Fork |
Ternera | Veal |
Tomate | Tomato |
Tortilla Española | Spanish Thick Fried Potato Omelette |
Tortilla Francesa | Plain Omelette |
Tostado | Toasted |
Trucha | Trout |
Uvas | Grapes |
Vaso | Glass |
Venado | Venison |
Verduras | Green Vegetables |
Vieiras | Scallops |
Vinagre | Vinegar |
Yemas | Egg Yolks |
Zanahorias | Carrots |
Zarzuela | Seafood Stew |
Zarzuela De Mariscos | Seafood Casserole |
Spanish Drinks Dictionary
Bacardi | Bacardi |
Bottled Beer | Cerveza |
Coke | Coca Cola |
Decaffinated | Descafeinado |
Espresso Coffee | Cafe Solo |
Fizzy Lemon | Fanta Limon |
Fizzy Orange | Fanta Naranja |
Gin | Ginebra |
Hot Chocolate | Chocolate |
Juice | Zumo |
Large Beer | Caña Grande |
Lemon Tea | Te Con Limon |
Milk | Leche |
Mineral Water- Sparkling
– Still | Agua Mineral- Con Gas
– Sin Gas |
Red Wine | Vino Tinto |
Rose Wine | Vino Rosado |
Small Beer | Caña (sounds like “canya”) |
Tea | Te |
Tea With Milk | Te Con Leche Fria |
Tonic | Tonica |
Vodka | Vodka |
Water | Agua |
Whisky | Whisky |
Whisky And Coke | Whisky Con Coca Cola |
White Coffee | Cafe Con Leche |
White Wine | Vino Blanco |
i love Spanish food…………wow
Very useful for my Spanish vocabulary and love of Spanish food
Lived on Spain for a number of years , but always had a problem when it comes to the menus , so this is GREAT for us , well done