Fish Recipes

Baked Fish and Potato Pie Recipe

Fish and Potato Pie Recipe

Pescado al Horno con Patatas The cuisine of Menorca in the Balearic Islands is characterised by fresh local produce from the land and sea. Take a seat outside the seafood restaurants of Ciutadella, Mahón and Fornells and you’ll be overwhelmed by the choice of dishes available. These include the classic …

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Cod in Tomato Sauce Recipe

Cod in Tomato Sauce - Bacalao en Salsa de Tomate

Bacalao en Salsa de Tomate Salt cod can be bought at supermarkets all over Spain and in specialist shops that sell nothing but this rock hard fish. Its history can be traced back to skirmishes between the Vikings and the Basques in the 9th century when the Basques noticed that …

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Sea Bass in Salt Recipe

Sea Bass in Salt Recipe

Lubina a la Sal On a trip to Cordoba Kirsty and I were staying out in the El Brillante district to the north of the city centre. We were walking into town one lunchtime and spotted a row of small bars on a side street offering menús del día so …

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Baked Basque Fish Recipe

Baked Basque Fish Recipe

Pescado Asado a la Vasca The Basque Country of northern Spain is home to more than twenty Michelin-starred restaurants located mainly in the cities of San Sebastian and Bilbao. This is one of the world’s great food destinations. The region has an interesting history of private gastronomic societies known as …

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